Recommended Breastfeeding Support group
Every Wednesday 10.30-12pm, Robertsbridge Youth Centre, TN32 5BU. Meet other mums and get support. We have an IBCLC Lactation consultant in attendance at all sessions unless stated.
Moat Breastfeeding Support know how much difference support from experienced professionals and other mums who have breastfed can make to your breastfeeding journey. From learning how to latch your babies on in the early days to keeping you going when things change or you start to question things. You don’t have to wait until your baby arrives to start learning about all these things, come and chat to us.
Breastfeeding is a learnt skill and a partnership between mum and baby. Getting the right support is essential particularly with your first baby. However, with your second, whilst the fundamentals remain the same, every baby is different, so quite often a mum finds they still need support even if it isn’t their first time breastfeeding. We are here for you whether its your first or your fourteenth baby.
The group is facilitated by Nikki who has breastfed three children, each for more than a year. Nikki is also a highly experienced, NHS trained peer supporter, is training to be an IBCLC lactation consultant and has been mentored by Jane Gerrard Pearse since 2019. Nikki has been supporting women to breastfeed their babies since 2017. In addition to running the group, Nikki supports at the monthly Health Visiting clinic in Robertsbridge, on the postnatal ward weekly at the Conquest hospital in Hastings at aquababes and has also provided feeding support at NCT groups. Nikki is passionate about breastfeeding and helping mum’s to achieve their goals.
The group uses two IBCLC Lactation Consultants, Jane Gerard-Pearse, Natalia Norton and Nikki Moat is a highly experienced peer supporter who set up the group and has been mentored by Jane for the last 5 years. All three are exceptionally talented. Nikki and Natalia have breastfed three children of her own and has experience of supporting mums in hospital as well as community environments. Jane is exceptionally talented and knowledgeable having been a lactation consultant for 14 years, a midwife for 34 years and also a qualified nurse. Jane and Natalia attend the group regularly to provide specialist support.
Do get in touch with Nikki if you would like to attend – 07966 949755.
Every Wednesday morning, 10.30-12pm at Robertsbridge Youth Centre (TN32 5BU) for pregnant, breastfeeding or mixed (combi) feeding mums. We look forward to meeting you!